
NCA Nejapa recently renovated the preschool program to include a variety of student groupings, hands-on learning experience and age appropriate activities. The instructional program is structured to include all the MINED requirements but also respects developmentally appropriate strategies. The students learn about new concepts in circle time, practice and apply them in center time and have the opportunity demonstrate their knowledge to their teacher individually each day. Students are evaluated in areas of social-emotional development, language development, literacy skills, math and logic concepts, developmental skills and behavioral progress. In addition to their core classes, preschool students have daily English class, bi-weekly physical education, and weekly classes in ECA, computers and library.
Schedule and Levels
We have three levels of preschool: First Level, or K1 (for students who turn 3 by February 28), Second Level or K2 (for students who turn 4 by February 28), and Third Level, or K3 - Kindergarten (for students who turn 5 by February 28). Each level is taught by a teacher that is in the process or has already completed a degree in Initial Education, and there are several assistants to provide additional learning support for individuals or groups of students in each level. Classes are limited to 15-20 students. The school day is from 7:25 to 12:20 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.