
The elementary levels provide a comprehensive course of study. During these formative years, we seek to teach our students responsibility and problem-solving skills. Our instructional program includes Language Arts (composition, grammar, handwriting, reading, spelling and vocabulary), Bible, Math, Science and Social Studies, all of which are taught in Spanish. In addition to the core classes, elementary students have daily English class, bi-weekly physical education, and weekly classes in ECA, computers and library. Students are evaluated on academic and behavioral progress.
Schedule and Details
There are two sections of each grade from first through sixth grade. Each section is limited to 25 students, but usually only have between 17 - 22 students. The school day is from 7:25 to 2:20 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

NCA Nejapa has developed a comprehensive curriculum at all levels of the school, based on the MINED framework with biblical worldview integration. In our elementary grades, we are using Santilla textbooks for Math, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies, and we have developed our own Bible class curriculum using ACSI and other resources. For our English program we utilize Next Stop from Macmillan from 1st to 4th and Focus On Grammar series from Pearson for the different levels in 5th and 6th grade.